The Cook’s House Traverse City

Chef Jennifer Blakeslee (co-owner) and Chef Eric Patterson (co-owner) are some of my favorite people in the world. They own and create amazing food at The Cook’s House in Traverse City, Mi.

Simplicity and kindness are a part of each of these people but they are also complex dreamers and doers.

They live their passion and inspire!  Thank you so much Chef Jen and Eric for your awesome contributions to the community!  Here’s a link to their restaurant in Traverse City.

Oh hey!Im Tracy.

My mission is to be open to your ideas and help you to relax and enjoy your time in front of the camera. Let’s laugh and explore together.I help make the experience personal and genuine, while paying attention to the smallest of details.


"karunaphoto is a traverse city photographer and travels to northern mi counties and worldwide. available for weddings, families, seniors, and proposals