Rodasi Campbell// Branding Photos

What do you think of when you think of branding photos? Well, Rodasi Campbell had a clear vision of what she wanted for her new website, indeed!

We worked together for her session with collaboration on a mood board beforehand.
She shared striking movement poses that inspired her and vibrant blues with strong and powerful (and modern) goddess energy.
I made a list of must-have moments for the shoot and we set a date. Next, I set up my studio at my home and we spent a couple of hours capturing incredible photos showcasing her Energy, Compassion, and Healing.
Rodasi wants to convey her distinct and powerful programs that can help you achieve clarity, and direction through inspired action.
“You are so wonderful.
Stop inside yourself long enough
Past what you run from
Beyond what you fear
And let your own Presence overcome you
You are brilliant?
And your brilliance is needed.”
And I want to share her fantastic website with many of the photos from our session.

Rodasi Campbell

A women laughing and a website featured



As well as a selection of finished images. Have a peek at the Amazing time we had!

rodasi with a cup of tea a laptop and her book




Rodasi at KarunaPhoto





altar items for sacred healing meditation


rodasi with Mary Magdalene vase










black and white photo of a woman through a sheer scarf


rodasi with a sheer black scarf pulling it



rodasi gets ready in between clothing changes at KarunaPhoto


powerful portrait of a woman with blue eyes



woman in black and white holding a feather

Thank you @KarunaPhoto

So amazing how you bring so much of me out in our shoots!

Loveeeeee !


woman in side perspective black and white holding deer antlers


warrior hands with gold cuff bracelets and black nails


Rodasi sitting cross legged in healing meditation


Rodasi holding up her hands for healing


hands cupped for healing





“Yay! I had such a great time exploring and creating with you!” ~Rodasi Campbell


Rodasi in a sequin dress holding her hands in prayer


Rodasi laughing


Rodasi in a gold sequin dress arms outstretched


” Thank you for the best photoshoot ever. So much fun and depth.
And as usual – everything turned out awesome!!!
Thank you for helping me feel comfortable and have a blast!”
If you are curious about a similar session for yourself, let’s talk!



Oh hey!Im Tracy.

My mission is to be open to your ideas and help you to relax and enjoy your time in front of the camera. Let’s laugh and explore together.I help make the experience personal and genuine, while paying attention to the smallest of details.


"karunaphoto is a traverse city photographer and travels to northern mi counties and worldwide. available for weddings, families, seniors, and proposals