Senior Portraits In Manistee

Hey Everyone, meet Gaige. Gaige is a Senior in Manistee, class of 2015!

Gaige is super hard working. He works out of the bay on a fishing boat (when the lake isn’t frozen), and has his eye on a business degree.

He is looking at colleges and CMU has peaked his interest.

I loved spending the afternoon with him!

p.s He’s my cousin :)





Gaige and JacksonSenior-2015-Gaige-Manistee-MI-KarunaPhoto-photo_0016

Gaige’s name means, “Courage without fear!”Senior-2015-Gaige-Manistee-MI-KarunaPhoto-photo_0012Senior-2015-Gaige-Manistee-MI-KarunaPhoto-photo_0013Senior-2015-Gaige-Manistee-MI-KarunaPhoto-photo_0018Senior-2015-Gaige-Manistee-MI-KarunaPhoto-photo_0015Senior-2015-Gaige-Manistee-MI-KarunaPhoto-photo_0014Senior-2015-Gaige-Manistee-MI-KarunaPhoto-photo_0019I know he is going to do  great things!


Oh hey!Im Tracy.

My mission is to be open to your ideas and help you to relax and enjoy your time in front of the camera. Let’s laugh and explore together.I help make the experience personal and genuine, while paying attention to the smallest of details.


"karunaphoto is a traverse city photographer and travels to northern mi counties and worldwide. available for weddings, families, seniors, and proposals