Holidays/ Family Photos/ Leelanau

When my friend Lisa asked me to photograph her family for the holidays, I was so happy!

Everyone was  home for just a couple days, so I bundled up and headed to the Jolli Lodge in Leelanau; their home.

We walked on the beach, yelled funny things, sisters and brothers traded secrets and parents got in a kiss or two.

It was a quick session outside (really chilly on Dec 22) and then a few fun and casual indoor photos. A great way to start the Holidays and they turned out gorgeous!

Take a look and let’s chat if you would like to have a fun family adventure.

I can’t wait to hear from you!


family holidays jolli lodgefamily lake michigan family holidays

family jolli lodge holidays

family holidayskiss jolli lodge holidays

Oh hey!Im Tracy.

My mission is to be open to your ideas and help you to relax and enjoy your time in front of the camera. Let’s laugh and explore together.I help make the experience personal and genuine, while paying attention to the smallest of details.


"karunaphoto is a traverse city photographer and travels to northern mi counties and worldwide. available for weddings, families, seniors, and proposals