Green Cuisine 2014

When you live in the country, you may feel isolated.. I was beginning to lose hope of finding like minds way back in 2008, but I was lucky to discover a gathering put on by Food For Thought !

They celebrate three key things: Community, Sustainability, and Great Food & Drink.

Their site can explain it better than me : “Green Cuisine is Michigan’s first zero waste event and an expression of our mission to “raise awareness around just and sustainable food systems” and our best effort to promote the best in local food and sustainable business practices. Visitors will be able to meet and sample the works of local food and beverage artisans, tour Food For Thought’s organic farm and green buildings as well as socialize, learn and have fun in a beautiful setting…” I hope my photos from over the last 6 years can entice you to attend.

It’s such a fantastic, relaxing, and fun day.  July 16! Can’t wait to see you there! Green Cuisine-2010-karunaphoto-photo_0181Green Cuisine-2010-karunaphoto-photo_0176Green Cuisine-2010-karunaphoto-photo_0177Green Cuisine-2010-karunaphoto-photo_0178Green Cuisine-2010-karunaphoto-photo_0179Green Cuisine-2010-karunaphoto-photo_0180Green Cuisine-2010-karunaphoto-photo_0182Green Cuisine-2010-karunaphoto-photo_0183DSC_7961 copyDSC_7965 copyDSC_7966 copyDSC_7986 copyDSC_8000 copyDSC_8010 copyDSC_8018 copyDSC_9676 (Small)DSC_9660 (Small)hawk2carriage2people4

Oh hey!Im Tracy.

My mission is to be open to your ideas and help you to relax and enjoy your time in front of the camera. Let’s laugh and explore together.I help make the experience personal and genuine, while paying attention to the smallest of details.


"karunaphoto is a traverse city photographer and travels to northern mi counties and worldwide. available for weddings, families, seniors, and proposals