BAYA-Our Dog

Baya is our 13-year-old cockapoo pup. We are so thankful to have been available when she needed to be rehomed in 2014.

The entire family fell in love with her, after just one visit!

She loves kids, and chickens, and just adores my husband, Jim.

Most of the time she’s a good dog and stays in our big yard, but Baya also has to explore the woods, it’s mandatory in her book.

99% of the time she comes when you call, “House” or Treat!” She also loves to play fetch with a tennis ball or stuffed dragon :)

She’s a really great dog and she is the queen of the house.

Do you have a pet that pretty much rules the day? Tell me about them!

Oh, and they can come along for photos if you like :)


"karunaphoto is a traverse city photographer and travels to northern mi counties + worldwide. KarunaPhoto is queer-friendly and is available for weddings, families, graduating seniors, and proposals